Giro de Pilipinas 2015 Stage 3

The brilliant vivid colors of the Philippines continue as we rose for yet another day of racing, the morning sun was already feeling hot well before the roll out time of 8am from outside the Subic Bay Lighthouse. The accumulated tiredness from the constant racing, without any recovery or leisure rides in-between, was taking its toll on my body.  It was a 20km neutral rollout from the middle of Subic Bay on undulating roads out to the official start of the race. This brought back memories of my experience of racing here in 2010 at the Tour of Luzon.


I recalled my suicide attack that would only serve to put a nail in my coffin late into the 10-day stage race where we largely subsisted on the famous Jollibees for most of our meals. I was at the front of the peloton and ready to make my planned attack that would amount to nothing. The flags were waved at the top of the twisting descent, and I was off like a bullet carving those curves like a furious mad-man hell-bent on making an early escape in-order to make it up the vicious steep 2km ascent so I can at least be in a group going over the top. Initially, I was going well and extending a good gap on the peloton that contained the best pro riders in the Philippines as well as a number of top international cyclists. But it was not going to happen, the peloton had other ideas and I was soon reeled in right before the steepest section of the climb. I was a blown rider and struggled to make it to the top and blown out the back of the Tour of Luzon peloton. I did make a good comeback and managed to catch the peloton at the base of the next climb, but at this point my legs were well and truly toast and it was a long day combatting the numerous climbs that never-ended in the stifling humid heat coupled with the never-ending hornet like attacks from the Filipino pro riders, even when in small groups off the back. The memory of that past tiredness only added to my current exhaustion.

Fast-forward to today, I had arrived at the Giro de Pilipinas with tired legs from conquering the Himalayan Mountains and this time it was the amateur peloton which still consisted of many ex and current pros. The flag-off did not include the fast twisting descent like the Luzon Tour, but for safety reasons started the race on the short flat section after the descent. Immediately I could tell my legs were going to have a tough day when the first surge went on the lower sections. I could barely hang on and was floating off the back. I made a reconnection with the front group before the steepest part of the climb; I was grunting my way up in my 39-25 gearing which made life difficult. A lot of the riders had 39-28 or even compact cranks with 32-28 ratio, which makes it easier to generate power for longer when spinning higher cadences. 

I was with one other rider cresting the top with a splendid view of the ocean and distant islands, and a nice twisting smooth road to ride fast on picking up rider after rider, life was again momentarily good. I was surprised to catch Brian Johnsen (Matador), who clearly was on form, dropped from the lead group. Johnsen and I rolled turns pretty hard with some limited help from the Filipinos, although I rallied some to continue the momentum. I had probably got too excited and when cornering at the bottom of a short descent through a village, I was gapped off and that was when my legs just went kaboom. It was a flat section, the place where I was motor-paced at 70km/h at the Tour of Luzon to get back on, but my legs were not generating any power so I quickly shut down shop and peeled a banana to recover for my long ride ahead over the numerous hills. I could see the front group just 30 seconds up the road, and also saw that Brian Johnsen and the group I had briefly led had regained contact with the front group.  My head was already beating hard from the intense Filipino heat as I struggled to maintain even 200 watts, well below my tempo-training pace that I hold for hours on end.  I was caught by another group coming up behind me and briefly rode with them, but was soon dropped when the road pointed up. 

It is perhaps one of the toughest courses around with all the punchy climbs, the max altitude being only 431m but overall gain of 1,700m over 85km. For the Tour of Luzon, we endured 150km of the savage hills and heat, almost twice the distance of the Giro de Pilipinas. I don’t know how I survived it.  I was out of fluids but was able to get ice-cold water from time to time from other team supporters to drink and pour over my head, which felt like heaven.  Finally I reached the bottom of the final 6.3km ascent up Mount Samat where the 360ft Cross monument is located. I first came to a complete stop at the Pocari Sweat station and gulped down two full bottles of the fluid before pressing on.

The final climb pitched up to 18% in places, but I was feeling resurgence in the legs and was picking up riders one by one over the final 30 minutes.  The switch backs were up to 20% and in-order to combat them, I basically sprinted up them and then recovered slightly when the road flattened before pitching up steeply yet again. I saw one Matador rider on the side of the road, with both his hands on the top tube of his bike and his head hanging in defeat. Also saw another couple of riders stopped on the side of the road, clearly suffering from the onset of cramps. Finally, my photographer wife popped into view and this gave me some more energy to muster for the final 500m to the finish, which was also the steepest sustained part of the climb. If the finish did not come when it did, I might have collapsed with the exertion I mustered just to keep the wheels turning. 

I had averaged a respectable 253 watts for the final climb (or 273 watts for the last seven minutes), which was great considering I had struggled to get over 200watts earlier in the stage. After I had recovered enough with plenty of cold water and Vitamin water plus one donut (I could not eat the sandwich that was provided to all riders), I had enough energy to explore the massive Cross that was erected at the top of Samat Mountain. It was quite an impressive statue with carvings depicting the history of the Philippines. We rode up in the small lift to the viewing platform, which rewarded us with splendid 360-degree view of the mountains and sea below. The view was well worth the ride up from Subic Bay.

Stay tuned for Stage Four action.

Giro de Pilipinas 2015 Day 1

Guest SaddleDrunk Rider/Writer Daniel Carruthers report back to us the first day of the Giro de Pilipinas 2015 from Subic Bay,Philippines.Photos Credit to Jennifer Carruthers.

As part of the re-invention of the Subic Bay Area, this new event Giro de Pilipinas has been staged at a perfect time to raise the awareness of cyclists in this beautiful part of Luzon Island and help stake the claim Subic Bay is becoming the cycling capital of the Philippines.


It is a short flight from Hong Kong to Clark airport and the transfer is only one hour on virtually traffic free smooth roads, a far better option than flying into Metro Manila. The location of this new event could not be more perfect for riders from around Asia wishing to experience the style of Filipino racing and hospitality; there is a vibrant racing scene here and the level just keeps improving with each year I’ve been coming to race. I’ve been racing in the Philippines for six years now, beginning with the Tour of Luzon in 2010, followed by the Tour of Larrazabal on Ormoc Island in 2011. Subsequently I’ve been invited to provide media coverage for the Tour of Matabungkay for the last five years. Unfortunately, culminating with the tragic circumstances involving the Kenyan Riders, the Matabungkay Tour has been cancelled and removed from the race calendar. However, the Giro de Pilipinas replaces this Tour and is organized by the same Baterna brothers.  This event has kicked off with a great start with more than 250 riders across all the categories participating.   There is more for cyclists here in Subic Bay with plenty of good restaurant options and hotels to stay in. It is a proven training ground for many of the Filipino tri-athletes as there is ample flat road riding as well as many climbs to choose from. The new Giro de Pilipinas has arrived with impeccable timing and will help serve to spearhead the growth of cycling in Subic Bay. 

The Racing


Coming off the back of an intense 7-days of mountain bike racing in the Himalayas, where I was riding 6-7 hours each day in the saddle, one would expect me to show up with some tired legs. It proved to be true with a lackluster performance in the 39.2km ITT for stage one.   I had a few mechanicals to sort out before the start of the ITT, which I was one of the first to go at 6.02am! I rolled up to the starting ramp with a couple of minutes to spare without any warm-up and my previous ride was stage seven on the MTB in the Himalayas! The countdown was on and I was off on my time trial. Immediately, due to lack of marshals at that time, I took two wrong turns before I found myself back on track.  Because the first section is largely flat with a few rollers, I was able to get into a nice rhythm and was averaging about 340 watts according to my JouleGPS. But as soon as the road went up-wards, I started to struggle and the legs did not have the same snap that I am used to.  Overall it was quite a lumpy time trial course with three 150m climbs and an interesting forest loop on narrow roads. During the forest loop, a large monkey popped out of the forest and checked me out as I flew by on the descent.  

Eventually, I was caught by my minute-man who proceeded to draft me. It seems whenever I race in time-trials in the Philippines, I always see blatant drafting; riders don’t seem to understand that it is an individual time trial: you versus the clock and nothing else. So, in order to get rid of the rider, I stalled my pedaling but the Filipino would not come past me. So I turned and pulled him past me and gave him a pinch too! That jolted him and he was on his way. A few minutes later I was caught by two more riders and they were working together! They caught the guy I pinched and the three of them started lapping it out and opening the gap on me. So much for an individual time trial. I also saw riders coming the opposite direction on the way back, also drafting.  In the last five minutes I had a late rally and was able to increase my power to finish on a strong note. I headed straight to the hotel and took a well deserved nap to recover in time for the afternoon’s 105km stage. 

Stage two – 105km

 Feeling groggy with sleep, I had a quick bite of a vegetarian sandwich and a pineapple shake literally just 30minutes before the start of the stage. The neutral portion of the stage was 15km, rolling out from the Subic Naval base area out onto the traffic infested roads of Subic. I was in the large wave of 35-45 age group and we rolled along at an easy 25km/h, allowing time for my food to digest before the racing began.

At the official starting point of the stage, the traffic needed to be cleared before the racing could start. The hot tropical sun was beating down on me and I was perspiring like mad. I refueled on the ice-cold vitamin water that was provided by sponsors and the stage began.  We faced a short climb of about 1.5kms, which was done steady and I was near the front.  On the descent, three riders shot clear and had a decent gap on the bunch. Just before the next township, another three riders sprinted hard across and the breakaway became six riders. I sensed the danger, but I was not handily placed to make the jump across myself, besides due to the large 100 plus rider peloton, I thought more riders would start jumping across. But this did not happen and much to my chagrin, the whole bunch slowed down to a 30km/h pace – much like a Sunday afternoon easy bunch ride. This ensured the break group was well and truly gone. I tried several moves to rally the group but I was shut down each time, mostly by the Sante Monte guys in green, with jersey’s that proclaim “I’m on Grass”. I was constantly marked by the “I’m on Grass” guys and I am mystified at their style of riding – they had no one in the breakaway (or I could be mistaken) and they have two sprinters, so they should be amping for a sprint finish. I tried at least six random attacks and some of them were double-attacks as I found that if I coasted, the guys in green would coast also. The double-attack failed to throw them off. I waited for opportunities to go with others, but each time was reeled back in.


The roads here at the Giro de Pilipinas are great, not perfect, but good enough for fast racing and also offer plenty of interesting sights along the way. We passed by brilliant green yellow rice fields harvested by cart-drawn water buffalos against a backdrop of green-covered mountains. It is brilliantly colorful here in the Philippines with wispy white clouds and blue skies, the colorful Jeepnies, and moto-taxis, a smorgasbord of signs proclaiming different things, like “home of the most beautiful women” or “Playboy ice-cream” were two that stuck with me.  The traffic control is markedly better compared with previous years I have raced here in the Philippines. The marshals and the police did a great job of keeping the notoriously bad traffic under control.

I saw an opportunity. It was about 20km to go and the bunch was strung out and breaking up. I was moving towards the front and checked behind me and saw the gaps and also saw the riders in front of me starting to soft-pedal. I attacked hard and in the process, my helmet was kicked sharply backwards by a tree branch that was hanging awfully low by the road-side. Luckily it just skimmed me and I continued on with my attack. I caught the lone rider just up the road and we traded pulls together. Our gap to the peloton grew and we quickly put them out of sight as the bunch hesitated. I soon found that the Filipino rider I was with was not pulling strong enough so I did longer pulls on the front to ensure he would get recovery and pull enough so I could recover for a few seconds. He would pull through and immediately flicked his elbow and soft-pedalled. Regardless, we seemed to be doing enough to keep the gap constant. As the kilometers ticked by, I began to feel we were in for a chance to get to the finish before the peloton and was motivated to keep my pulls hard and steady.

With six kilometers to go, we were still in front but my companion seemed to be getting weaker. He overshot a corner and this gave me a gap of about 30m to the rider. I continued to pull hard like I was doing but he managed to claw back to my wheel and this told me he had been conserving all along. With four kilometers to go, he did a big surge and I had to dig deep to get back to him. I told him not to do that again, little realizing that the peloton was in sight behind us and was rapidly closing on us. Three kilometers to go we were swept up into the fold.  It was going to be a large bunch sprint.  Singapore based Brian Jensen (Matador) launched a big attack right on the final short climb and strung the pack out over the climb.  I surprised myself with enough power to launch back near the front and just focused on staying near the front for the sprint finale. 

It was all game on with riders in the large peloton all-jostling for position but no one really taking charge. This can spell doom for a bunch of this size as with less than 1km from the finish, we were all spread across the road and waiting for the first one to sprint. It was a little hair-raising for me but my sprinters instincts took over and I was moving with the flow and making sure I was not swamped from behind.  Right when the sprint was opening up, a rider two over from my left started to go but looked behind and somehow crossed wheels. He went down heavily and took out the rider next to him. The domino effect nearly took me down also, but I was able to “ski” out of the danger. I was coasting and taking an evasive line out, barely missing the carnage. A whole cluster of riders hit the deck just 300m from the finish, leaving just a few of us to contest the finish.

I had great legs and I was ready to open my sprint at least 100m before the crash happened, but was boxed in and had to wait patiently for an opening. After emerging from the danger unscathed, I launched my sprint from 250m out but guys who had more momentum on the far right side already had the gap. The Excellent Noodles winner from two years ago at the Tour of Matabungkay took the bunch kick while I came in forth.  I was relieved that I was not taken out considering I have a lot more racing coming up back in China.

It was a 15kms ride back to the Subic Bay Naval base area as the warm-down to the hot stage!  That evening was a nice dinner put on by the organizers on the beach front together with the award ceremony.  A group of fire dancers treated all of us to a fine spectacle of energetic dancing and some big flames! 

Stay tuned for Stage three’s action!

Thank you Daniel from SD TEAM.

Supporting the New Para National Road Champion

SaddleDrunk Team is pleased to announce the start of an amazing relationship with Alex Jones the New Para National Road Champion.

We have asked Alex and his mother few question about Alex's cycling career.


What an amazing trajectory it has been for 17 year old Alex Jones, since he started cycling competitively only 3 years ago! Having been spotted by British Cycling's Talent Coaches winning gold at the London Youth Games TT in 2012, he has been on the Olympic Talent programme Regional schools of Racing,  learning the trade on track and road - and the levels of hard work, sacrifice and discipline that it takes to succeed.  Born with mild cerebral palsy, last year he caught the eye of the Great Britain Cycling Team para coaches and after a successful first Road World Cup in Italy in June he has gone on to become 2015 National Mens para Circuit series winner and National Mens para Road Champion, a remarkable acheivement for a Junior rider. He has also medalled in each of 5 track events at the UK Games and is looking forward to competing with Paralypmic greats at the National Track Championships at the end of this month.  


Alex always enjoyed sports as a child but developed an interest in cycling at the age of 14, joining the Kingston Junior Cycling Club. The coaches there advised him to trial for the London Youth Games, (where he won Gold for the following 3 years) and he was spotted by revered British Cycling Talent and Regional Development coach Graham Macnamee who remains an influential mentor and voice of experience.

Mac nominated Alex for BC’s prestigious Regional Schools of Racing, part of the Olympic Talent Programme where over the next 2 years Alex learned the foundations of competitive road and track cycling and the high standards and hard work expected not only on the bike but off the bike too including nutrition, organization, preparation, discipline and the dedication required to be a top rider. Along the way he was supported and encouraged by his clubs (Twickenham CC, HIllingdon and Prestige), family and school, particularly by his PE Teacher and International Triathlete Mark Yeoman, who showed unwavering belief in  Alex’s potential.

Alex’s passion for riding grew, fuelled by fantastic experiences such as meeting the Team Sky riders and Shane Sutton on a training camp in Majorca where he rode up Mount Lluc with them and being taken behind the scenes at the Tour de France with Chris Boardman, Ned Boulting and Gary Imlach.  Off the bike, Alex is a BC level 1 coach and regularly helps teach young riders at Hillingdon CC.  His other interests are cars and music.

Alex did well in regional events but due to his mild cerebral palsy affecting his performance at an elite National level, he missed out on a place on the Olympic Apprentice programme. However, in a stroke of luck for Alex, he had caught the eye of his current coach, Andy Pitt who offered to take him on a one to one basis in July 2014, starting a fantastically motivating working relationship.   BC’s para cycling programmeidentified his potential and  nominated him for his first para Road World Cup in Italy in June this year where he was classified by an International panel as a C5 rider.

Following an impressive performance at his first World Cup, Alex went on, under the effective guidance of Andy Pitt, to win the National Men’s Para Circuit Series and after an amazing season has become National Men’s Para Road Champion in his category.  He has just returned from the UK School Games having medalled in each of his 5 events and is looking forward to the National Track Championships in Manchester later this month where he will be competing with Paralympic multi-medallists such as Jody Cundy and Jon Allan Butterworth.

After an exciting first year competing as a para cyclist alongside his regular racing commitments, Alex is now undergoing assessments  and training with the Great Britain Cycling Teamand his fierce ambition is to continue to learn and improve and earn the opportunity to ride for GBCT at the 2016 World Cups and World Championships and start BC’s four year preparation cycle for Tokyo 2020. Alex is also a Level One BC coach and spends his spare time teaching young riders at his old club.

From next month Alex will be wearing the national champion colour cycling kit made by SaddleDrunk after being approved by British Cycling. 

Good Luck Alex.

SD Team.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards.

Viceroys Triathlon Club

The SaddleDrunk team is pleased to announce that SaddleDrunk has become the new Official Kit Supplier for the Viceroys Tri Club from October 2015.

The SaddleDrunk creative team has met with Mark Yeoman several times to discuss design and material to manufacture the best kit out there available for cyclist and triathletes. Knowing Mark abilities to perform at Highest standards in the world of Triathlon,  the SD creative team and the production team has pushed to their own limits to makes Mark's dreams to come true.

The kit is hand made and hand tailored in our factory in Italy. The Viceroys Tri Club Members will be able to start purchasing the kit by next week.

The kit compromise a complete list of items from head to toes and enabling them to purchase direct to us 365 days a year,day or night.

The SD team is looking forward to a long friendship with the club.

Have a good week everyone.

Do not forget to vote for us at the Time Out Love London Awards

SD Team