Burning Man Festival 2014

SaddleDrunker Raffa talk to us about his experience at the desert festival in Black Rock City.

My experience at Burning Man

As I promised here my short story about the experience at Black Rock City for the Burning Man festival!!! 

Just a quick explanation of the festival if anyone has never heard of it: basically in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, 120 miles north Reno, every year the week leading up to and including Labor Day the people belonging to the non-profit organisation “Burning Man Project” build a city called Black Rock City.

In this city for one week people can experience where almost 60,000 people (participants, volunteers and staff) “dedicate themselves to the spirit of community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance.” (Burning Man website, What is Burning Man, http://www.burningman.com/whatisburningman/)

Credit for this photo to Wikipedia.

Credit for this photo to Wikipedia.

There are 10 principles that provide a social framework for Burning Man, like “Leaving no Trace”, all the litter you produce and things you bring must come with you after the festival; or “Gifting” where giving gifts to friends and especially strangers is unconditional, and much appreciated! (Burning Man website, Ten Principles of Burning Man, http://www.burningman.com/whatisburningman/about_burningman/principles.html#.VBg92PldXh4)

At the festival nothing is sold but ice and coffee-tea, you must bring everything you need to survive in the desert for one week, food, water, appropriate clothing (hot in the day, cold in the evening!) and lights to decorate your bike and yourself! Bikes, yes, there are tons of bikes!! And you need one in order to get around BRC because it’s HUGE!! I’ll come to the cycling part in a moment.

I was so curios to check out what was the big deal about Black Rock City, so I pre-registered in January and at the end of February I was so lucky to get my ticket… tickets sold out in 45 minutes!!

Raffa in Reno

Raffa in Reno

I rented a car in Reno, where they start to ask you if you are a Burner… there is a little “museum” about Burning Man and if you fly a couple of days before the festival you will see lots of Burners!!! 

Me and my friend Alessia (who arrived the day the festival was supposed to start) went to Walmart for a massive shopping and then we went to Black Rock Bicycles (http://www.blackrockbicycles.com/): they basically rent bikes for Burning Man. I found them online and I decided to rent our bikes there: 2 American cruisers, awesome!!!! The staff is great and very chilled, they even give me pop corns as soon I stepped in the shop, and the quality of the bikes was great (in the desert you need a good bike that don’t let you down!!).

Raffa in combat gear

Raffa in combat gear

We left in the afternoon but because it has rained on Monday and they closed the gates, we had to queue with all the people that were supposed to be already in… 6 hours total time and we parked at 4!! We got our bikes and excited we went exploring Black Rock City and we couldn’t believe what we were seeing: lights and fire, mutant vehicles dressed as ships, skulls, scorpions, dragons, etc….Music was everywhere: form bars (created ad hoc for the festival!), mutant vehicles pumping loud music with massive speakers, proper stages with lights and fire, after only one hour we were overwhelmed by all the things that were going on in the playa!!

Bike Repair Station

Bike Repair Station

There are many art installations; one of my favourite was Embrace (http://embrace2014.com/), a huge man and woman embracing each other. You could walk inside to find their hearts!! Spotted first time at the sunrise: it was special and emotional!!

The man this year was sooooo tall and with no structure underneath it: instead they built a kind of souk with tents where you can explore or chill, especially when the hot sun was out!!

There were so many other art installations, mutant vehicles, bars and stuff that people built specifically for Burning Man to check out, here really a few to show: 

No words

No words

One of the things I enjoyed the most was cycling in the playa: there was a sense of freedom that rarely you can get in your normal life. There was a sense of wandering (or cruising as my good buddy would say) with no destination, no rush, time didn’t matter for a whole week and you could literally do whatever you want, with (almost) no restrictions. You can be whoever you want and you can do whatever you want!!

Mutant Vehicle

Mutant Vehicle

They give you a small booklet at the gate when they welcome you: this is a very useful gift because there are listed all the events that are planned in Black Rock City. You can do LOTS of stuff: from meditation courses, yoga sessions, workshop, attending talks, being spanked (!) or a crash course on Japanese bondage. It’s almost impossible to find something that you don’t like!! So your experience could be from the most mystic and holy adventure in the desert to the naughtiest one. Or you could dance 24/7. It’s up to you!! :)

A dramatic change of weather brought sand storms: they are fun, as long as you have goggles and dust-masks or scarfs!!! 

Party People

Party People

Bikes are everywhere!!! Without a bike you would miss out so much!!! 

This is why everyone had a bike and the way to recognise it from the other 50,000 was… to customise it!! Creativity was the way, all kind of materials have been used (I had a tiger-striped saddle cover and led lights all around it for night rides) and I’ve seen very cool bikes like the one in the picture below: the guy put a fire-thrower on it too!!! super cool!!!)

In the middle of the playa there was a Bike Portal: if you had any problem with your bike you could get some spare parts from the wardrobe next to it… all for free!!! Have I already said that everything was free in BRC?? :)

No comment

No comment

Saturday night the burnt the man: imagine the biggest party you have ever been!!! At least 30,000 people partying in the desert with music, lights, fire and people just so excited to see the man burning!! It was AWESOME!!! 

The party went on till morning with some of the most famous DJ-Sets like Robot Heart, one of my favourite.



The night afet they burnt the temple: such a complete opposite experience!! The temple was crowd-founded on Kickstater, and basically a lot of people paid a tribute to someone who lost, people went there to pray, you could literally feel like you left the crazy and loud BRC and you escaped in an oasis of calm and holiness, not necessary religious. 

I spent twice some time there and I could see people praying and crying, it really is such an incredible place.

Party Time

Party Time

The last night of the festival, when they burn the temple, music is stopped and people are silent, you can hear the crackles of wood in the fire: that’s a VERY emotional moment!!! 

Let's Dance

Let's Dance

So, this is the story of my experience at Black Rock City. It has been the most incredible experience in my life, a city that never sleeps and that offers so many things to do. But that was not the best part in my opinion, in a place where you can be yourself and you don’t need to play a part, connecting with similar-minded people was the best gift I have ever received from this amazing adventure. Welcome Home Burners!!!!!!

Let's Burn it.

Let's Burn it.

Taiwan KOM Challenge 2014 Press Release

Now is the time of the year, to register for the amazing KOM Challenge 2014 which will be held in November.I will not be attending the event this year,but I highly recommend to do it.

Please read the review from last year here.

Climbing Experience to the Extreme

Climbing Experience to the Extreme

Official Press Release for the TAIWAN KOM CHALLENGE 2014

Brought to you by the Taiwan Travel Bureau & the Taiwan Cyclist Federation

Event Date & Time: November 15th 2014

Total Prize Money: $2,410,000 (New Taiwan dollars, equivalent to over $80,000 US)


One Million New Taiwan Dollars for Overall Men’s Winner, Increased Prizes for the Women’s Race, and New Anti-Doping Policy Introduced 

The Taiwan Travel Bureau in association with the Taiwan Cyclist Federation is proud to announce the details of the eagerly anticipated 2014 Taiwan KOM Challenge.

They are also thrilled to announce the participation of the 2009 women’s Tour de France winner and four-time British champion Emma Pooley in the 2014 event.

This year’s race sees a massive increase in the prize money on offer and a zero tolerance drug policy introduced, the first of its kind in Asia.

Now in its third year, the Taiwan KOM Challenge has established itself as Asia’s premier hill climb event and as the toughest of its kind in the world. The 105km route travels from the eastern coastal town of Hualien, starting at sea level, and rises along its route to the roof of Taiwan, up on HeHuan Mountain at 3,375 meters.

The course takes the participants up at an average 7% through the breathtaking Taroko Gorge to the 97km point at Dayuling, and then rises up over its remaining kilometers to a maximum incline of 27%, averaging at 17% for the final 8 kilometers. 

The mountain dwarfs anything that North America and Europe have to offer, making the Taiwan KOM Challenge truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Spectacular views of the surrounding countryside, oxygen-depleted air and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment wait to greet those who finish the ride within the 6 and a half hour time limit. Last year’s winner Rhaim Emami of Iran completed the race in an astonishing 3 hours and 26 seconds from the official timed start, which begins after the 18km of neutralised riding.

In the past professional riders of the caliber of Jeremy Roy of Francaise des Jeux, Anthony Charteau of Europcar and Tiffany Cromwell of Specialized-lululemon have taken part in the event, a tradition which continues this year with the participation of Giro d’Italia Femminile KOM winner Emma Pooley. The organisers are also in talks with other top professionals, the details of which will be released later. 

Prize money this year will total to 2,410,000 New Taiwan dollars ($80,000US), with NT$1,000,000 (US$33,376) going to the overall winner of the men’s event. Cash prizes will go down to the 6th rider over the line, with NT$1,750,000 in total available for the men.

Recognizing the growing interest on the women’s side of the sport and eager to encourage more women to ride the Taiwan KOM Challenge, the TTB and the TCF are offering NT$200,000 ($6,675US) for the first female rider over the line. Similar to the men, cash prizes are available to the top 6 riders. In total there will be NT$440,000 ($15,000US) on offer for the women’s race. 

After much discussion, the organisers of the Taiwan KOM Challenge 2014 have decided to implement drug testing for the top 6 riders and reserve the right to randomly test any other participant.

Furthermore, any rider with a previous record of doping will not be allowed to compete in the race. This decision was not taken lightly and is one that the Taiwan Cyclist Federation feels reflects the current climate in world cycling and is one that will encourage fairness. 

The testing will be carried out by the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee and the tests will be analysed at a laboratory in Japan. 

Registration for the event officially opens on the 15th of September, and can be accessed at http://www.taiwankom.org/.

Press and online media enquiries can be sent to leerodgers202@gmail.com.

Links to videos:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65_ncpaYnvg (KOM video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c5M_Nw5A0w (Charteau interview)

Have fun and get SaddleDrunk


London 2 Paris 24 hours Challenge Kit review

Stuart has volunteered to provide us as with a review from various kit given by our sponsors.

Achille's Draw of the event

Achille's Draw of the event

Lezyne Lights SuperDrive XL:

When putting kit together and upgrading/ buying various parts for your bike,  lights are something of an after thought. We would much rather have better gears,  wheels and frame then to spend money on a decent set of lights.  This was my view before I was given a set of Lezyne lights for our trip, I must say they have changed my opinion.
It wasn't until the night slowly crept in on us that we benefitted from the most powerful lights I have seen on a bike.  With three of us cycling tightly together on long , dark winding roads our bodies and minds began to feel tired. Our decision making and cycling technique began to waver and I believe our safety would of been compromised had it not been for the illumination that these lights provided us.  
At one point I was leading the group and had slowed down to let the other two catch up,  as they approached from around a corner I found it hard to distinguish if it was a car or my team coming towards me such was the brightness from the lights.  The back light also gave drivers approaching considerable warning of our presence and this safety bubble of light that Lezyne had created kept us peddling in confidence all the way to Newhaven.  
If you're planning an endurance trip or commute on busy roads then I would recommend switching your old lights off and upgrading to Lezyne.  Think about your safety. Thanks to Rory from Upgrade Bikes UK distributor for Lezyne.

WTB Volt  Pro Saddle :

I switched my saddle to a WTB for our trip.  This saddle gave me ultimate comfort and support and wouldn't hesitate to recommend to anyone looking to replace or upgrade their current saddle.  I was riding a Boardman mountain bike my team mates were on a road bike and Dahon foldable and all used the same WTB saddle.  We were all comfortable and we're able to cover some serious mileage over two days without feeling the dreaded saddle sore setting in. 
Very good saddle. Very good value.

WTB Volt Pro Saddle

WTB Volt Pro Saddle

WTB Saddle Tech

WTB Saddle Tech

Biotex High Performance Underwear:

The Italian company BIOTEX provided us our clothing for the ride  and I cannot fault the products. I wore a sleeveless base layer top which prevented wind at the front and the vents at back allowed body heat to escape.  This prevented me from overheating as the ride progressed.  The start of the day was cold and chilly and by the end our ride the sun was beating down.  At no point did I feel too hot or too cold and this speaks volumes for the craft and attention to detail that BIOTEX put into their products. I also used arm and leg warmers which gave me the flexibility during the ride as to when to use them. As soon as the sun came up I could remove them in under a minute without the need to change bib completely. 
Other products of theirs I used was the neoprene overshoes and a wind/rain protection jacket. As someone who feels the cold in the toes the covers offered extreme protection from the wind and my feet were kept warm.  The Jacket went on as day turned into night and kept the cold night chill away from our bodies perfectly.  Another really good point about this top is how tightly it packs down into your kit bag.  For something that can be folded up into the size of your hand and is light as a feather it offers really good protection against wind and rain.  Anyone thinking of buying  lightweight, stylish jacket need to look at BIOTEX via the SaddleDrunk online store.

Biotex Vest

Biotex Vest

Free from puncture

Free from puncture

Freedom provided some great tyres. The thick slick compound it has great rolling capabilities make any road condition smoother, any holes like a flat oil sea and mainly free from puncture.

I definitely recommend to any of you riding across damaged road, or surfaces.They have an amazing grip on wet also.

Nonno Pippo:

When Stef informed me that his father in law was joining us on the ride I was a little intrigued to say the least.  'Would a sixty two year old slow us down in some way?' Was my initial ignorant view.  
Firstly after meeting this quiet unassuming man I realised it would be a pleasure to ride with him and was excited to see how he would cope with the demands of the trip. 
I cursed myself time and time again during the ride that I even doubted his fitness and ability.  As the night set in on our way to Newhaven it was then I began to fully admire the technique and level that Nonno could deliver.  
His cadence was constant and he gently pulled away time and time again.  
At one point I was struggling to keep up, with one turn of the head Nonno realised  my breathing and posture was in decline so gently eased off the throttle to accommodate my needs.  
He could of gone on several times in the trip and probably enjoyed the speed more but he put the needs of the team first and I feel honoured to have been able to peddle alongside him for a couple of days.  
Top man.

Stewart Ramsay from W5 Physio:

Not enough words to describe the great, astonishing and efficient post ride massage.

He came out in the morning from London. He waited for us at the Eiffel Tower. Then he came to the hotel to give all of us the massage. Just speechless. Flabbergasted by his great character. 

Then he whisked away back to London. Thank you very much.

All SaddleDrunk team and riders are really thankful to those who supported us and sponsored us for this epic ride.

Many Thanks


A riveting week Down Under for Serene.

It was a “Holy Schmoly” sort of a week. P.S. What a term! Credit to my awesome teammie and forever roomie, Jo. We’re all too similar in most sense of things - while it may not be the best of personality traits we’re talking about at times, it’s pretty darn intriguing how alike we are.

The team.

The team.

ANYWAY! Let’s just say Holden Cycling Team decimated the field in the inaugural NRS Amy’s Otway Classic. I won’t be able to do the brilliance of my teammies’ efforts of the day’s race any justice with a race report as my day was done the moment Ellen decided it was time to say sayonara. I’ll leave you to read all about it here,


see some photos here,


and catch my moments of fame here!


P.S. It was my first time making the highlights package of a NRS race so I’m actually pretty stoked even if it was just for that few seconds.

Team effort, said the ever humble leaders of my HCT. It was a team plan that the four of us had concocted in the car, as we did a full course reconnaissance the afternoon before the race. 

  • Jules, our team manager, had left us to our own devices while he rode the course. 
  • I think we managed to come up with scenarios from A to Z just cos we were struggling not to fall asleep during the mid-afternoon energy lull aka slumber time. The magnificence of the course was no doubt astounding – its sheer beauty and the difficulty of it all. 
  • Truth: Ruth knew she was the best climber; Ellen was completely “geed” up; Jo needed to keep the car on the road; I was navigating the course.
  • More truth: Ruth and Ellen were licking their lips at the prospect of lighting up the race on Skenes Creek; Jo and I were shitting in our pants – we didn’t need nightmares for the afternoon, the night’s sleep and the subsequent morning’s race.

Thank goodness plan A worked to the ‘T’. The shenanigans of a long Saturday afternoon, a late night of sleep on the eve of the race and an early (and rude) wake-up call of race day had been long forgotten. Ellen and Ruth showed that class and tenacity with a 1-2 finish. They completely obliterated the field up the climb, before out-riding our Holden team car in 2-up 60-km TTT. That’s some engine, I say! Jo and I can only marvel with envy, for now, and thank our lucky stars that we delivered what was asked of us. ;)

I could go on and on about how epic the win was, but I’ll leave you with this.

“Flats will do for such rides – need to be faster than this.”

This shows how strong Ruth, our team leader, is. She joins us for our recovery rides on her canvas shoes. What cleats?! All too easy! =P

P.S. It’s an inside joke what really happened. All I can say is that Shannon, our team’s “cobbler”, had honed her hoodoo and subsequently, hoodwinked Ruth. The incredulity of the situation was almost nerve-wrecking then, but the hilarity of it came through once the dust had settled. All good!

Jo had her shot at exposure too. The V8 engine on our Holden team car was too fast for the exit into the petrol station along the highway as we steam-rolled towards the airport – the non-Victorians had a flight to catch! When Jo had to go, she HAD to go. So she went, along the road shoulder of a busy highway no less.

Jo’s hidden in case she gets charged for being the flasher! =P

The week started out a blast too. 

Monday was forecasted to be a rainy day with gusty winds. Well, the winds were gusty enough to warrant a comment from our globe-trotting Belgian guest but thankfully, the storm stayed away and we were blessed with sunny skies.

It was a triple R day – Recce “Reco” Ride. 

The resident local, Jess, took us from the city centre to the outskirts through an hour of riding on the bike trails. There, we met our follow car – a beaten up 4WD driven by a very hippy Healy, who was accompanied by a rather punk-looking friend. Happy people aka good folks! We were soon on our merry way,

  • hurtled towards Hurstbridge; 
  • punctuated by a slow leak / tube change somewhere past Diamond Creek; 
  • bobbed along St Andrews;
  • tempoed up Kinglake; 
  • recovered down Chum Creek; 
  • rode into Healesville for a well-deserved bakery stop and 
  • climbed into the car at Yarra Glen. 

I’ll save the details of the ride for when the promotional video/shots are sorted out.  You’ve got my assurance that the Victoria Velotour is going to deliver one hell of a riding experience. When Kuai Sports and Saddle Drunk decide to collaborate, there’s no chance of normalcy. ☺

Kris from Kuai Sport enjoying the ride

Kris from Kuai Sport enjoying the ride

My two ride companions for the day. They don’t know what’s gonna hit them.

Modern Specialized Amira meets Retro Oakley Special Edition Heritage Eyeshade; fuelled by Holden engine; and empowered by Compressport arm and leg sleeves. BAAM! Dropped them both.

And all is calm again. 

Lunch TIme

Lunch TIme

I needed to enlist their help to get to the bakery stop for my ginormous cheese and vegemite scroll! 

So super fun. 

A BBB aka Bikini Blowout Benedict and an amazing Soy Chai, at Las Chicas, with Aud a couple days later top it all off. It’s been a while since I had indulged!

nice healthy bagel

nice healthy bagel

Full marks for presentation!



I need to get back to Land before Time. My dinosaur-aged laptop is calling out to me again. All these data has to be processed.

A long deserved break

A long deserved break

My 4-day MC from school has run out. The drug lord continues to rule my world as I fight to shove them away. It may be a good 3-6months before that happens – when spring bids its adieu, as I fervently pray that summer spares my soul. 

Hay fever – how I hate thee.

Till then, I’m looking for a hanky sponsor. I promise a lot of mileage, especially if you take me into the hills!