Yoga for Cyclists,Lexie Williamson

Other day I bumped into Lexie while ordering a coffee.It was a pleasure to have a quick chat and find out a bit more about her.Therefore I have decided to share her infos with you all so you can start planning your winter training including a bit of yoga.

I’m a Yoga Sports Science ® and British Wheel of Yoga instructor specialising in teaching endurance athletes. I’m also a fitness writer and the author of Yoga for Cyclists and Yoga for Runners (Bloomsbury, 2014). 

I work mostly 1/2/1 or with small groups of cyclists, runners and triathletes. For cyclists this primarily means boosting core strength, reducing lower back ache or helping sidestep common cycling overuse injuries through targeted stretching. But improved flexibility can also enhance performance by helping riders gain a more aggressive but sustainable aero position.

On a club level I’ve worked with London Dynamos, Kent Velo Girls and Elmbridge Road Runners. On the writing side, I have contributed articles to Cycling Weekly, Cycling Fitness, Outdoor Fitness and Runners World amongst others and will publish another book - a large stretching guide - through Bloomsbury in April 2017. 

I have just begun studying part time for an Exercise & Sports Science degree (MSc) which I hope will enhance both my teaching work with athletes, and allow me to tackle a wider range of fitness subjects. 

I’m a keen road cyclist and am proud to ride with The Viceroys triathlon club in Walton, Surrey (kit is supplied by Saddledrunk!).

Link to Yoga for Cyclists.