Top Oakley Cycling Eyewear by Sunglasses Restorer

Ciao a tutti.

Today we have a guest blogger!!

Sonia from Sunglasses Restorer contacted us few weeks ago about being your guest & here she is today.

Enjoy the reading.

Hello, in Sunglasses Restorer we don't only care about Oakley replacement lenses, but we are also very aware of all the related of one of the best brands of sunglasses.

Thats´ why we have written an article where we analyze the features of the best Oakley cycling sunglasses.

We focus on the most popular models, but we also mention historical models and sunglasses that have changed the history of sports and cycling sunglasses.

We briefly explain the history of the O Oval brand, and its founder Jim Jannard. We also talk about Greg Lemond, of course.

What would have been of Oakley and their sports glasses if the first American to wear the Yellow in Paris was not have used the EyeShades?

In the article, we mention the main features of the frames, the lenses and the temples of each sunglasses.

Pay attention to this list

  • M Frame
  • Racing Jacket / Jawbone
  • Split Jacket
  • Radar / RadarLock
  • EV Radar
  • Half Jacket
  • Flak Jacket
  • Flak 2.0
  • Fast Jacket
  • Jawbreaker
  • Radar Pace
  • EVZero

We made a description and history of each model,their principal features,their measurements,(frame, lenses and temples),the variations, because there are many models with variations,What sports or use are recommended for.

And finally, an approximate price.

If you are thinking of investigating a little in a new Oakley sports sunglasses, you will not have to look much further than this post.

In one article you will have, everything you need to find out your next cycling eyewear.

So click on this link to access the complete article ever written about Oakley and his cycling glasses.