The Sleeping Giant

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 

 “China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.” 

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

In the last 6 months China has changed the world as Napoleon Bonaparte said many years ago.  

Our entire planet from the South Pole to the North Pole, around the Equator’s diameter , each single human living on Earth have altered their life path.  

Our grand children, great grand children will study this event at school and they will know the cause of this.Hopefully it will prepare them for maybe another Pandemic to come. 

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

I have been fortunate enough to travel to China since 2010 constantly at least 3 or 4 times a year in taking part at cycling events or cycling around to discover the unknown of this immense country. 

Certainly during the years I have noticed amazing changes with people, nature, way of living and certainly a fast developing country that attract me more to discover more of their traditions. 

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

During my trips I have slept in many different kind of accommodations, alone or shared , with electricity or without , with or without windows, freezing cold or really hot but still amazing experiences. 

 If you are not shy, timid, speaking & meeting people is a must when you travel the world, especially when you share your passion of cycling. The feeling of crossing another cyclist in the empty roads is astonishing, the silhouette of a cyclist far away in front of you is like a mirage that turns real. Indescribable joy, you can only try to experience it.I was lucky to meet amazing people that some of them will describe their experience of living and cycling in China. 

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Being Italian, by default I am a food lover, passionate about my palate with the will to experience more.I think when I eat, I encounter an extreme pleasure. Cycling in China every time you need to adapt to the local cuisines, hygiene and locations of your meals where in most occasions are well out of the Western Countries standards.

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

I have asked a fellow cyclist about her thought of China and its beauties. She has been living over in China for a long time and has a good presence,experience within the Chinese Cycling Community.Lets hear from her below.

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Outside the big cities, China is an amazing place for road cycling/touring, which I don´t want to miss. I started road cycling before I moved to China, but in fact started longer distance riding and bike touring there and since then have been on many, mostly self-organized cycling trips in- and outside of China. 

 The country is very diverse in landscape, culture & food, and it´s perfect for little or bigger adventures. I somehow got addicted to these, they are definitely one of the reasons, beside my work, why I still live in China after more than 10 years. For me, there is nothing more refuelling than to cycle through remote landscapes, feeling in touch with the surroundings, getting big smiles (or laughs because ppl think you are completely nuts, to cycle for leisure) and thumbs up from friendly locals. 

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

If you speak a bit Chinese it is very easy to get in touch, as people are very curious and want to know everything, from where you come from, to if you are married and how many kids you have (the last two are very common and important questions in China 😉). 

Said that, if you don´t speak Chinese at all, you need to be either very adventurous, stress resistant or better organize someone who speaks a bit of Chinese to come along with you, or go on an organized trip.  If you like to taste new dishes and don´t bother to always know what you are eating (it´s the taste that counts, right?), food is also amazing. Of course, you might get the runs once in a while (better be prepared for that!), especially if you are not used to oily and spicy food. In all those years though, this happened only a few times to me.    

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Thank you Nicole for sharing your experience and thoughts about China.

When the travel begins & reopen again you must visit China to experience the unknown beauty. Feel free to get in touch with us for more infos.

Stay safe & well in thus times.

Ciao from the SaddleDrunk Family.

Photo Credit @ Nicole

Photo Credit @ Nicole

COVID-19 Update

London & Italy.Updates on 17/03/2020

With the developing COVID-19 situation and following the government statement yesterday, I would like to reassure you about the actions we are taking to enable our normal business activities to continue.

Safety, of course, remains our highest priority. 

All colleagues in the production are following personal hygiene guidance and being asked to regularly wash their hands.

If you have any questions, issues or concerns about any of the above, please do contact me personally. 

Please take care and stay safe through this long period of uncertainty.

The Unknown & The Traditions , China & Italy

Ciao SaddleDrunkers,

We are pleased to announce the collaboration between Emilia Romagna Region & the Granfondo Yunnan aimed to promote cycling tourism and non professional cycling towards the two regions and scout a brand new tourist market such as China.

The project has succeeded thanks to a teamwork among APT Servizi - the Emilia Romagna Tourist Board , Terrabici - the Emilia Romagna consortium of bike hotels and incoming tour operators ( - and the two cycling companies SaddleDrunk & Nordic Ways, where everyone aim to promote cycling tourism in respective destination using the Granfondo events .

Colourful Yunnan Granfondo Cycling Festival (better known as Granfondo Yunnan) reputation has grown year after year around the world from the first edition in 2014, making this one of the most favourites cycling events in Asia, hosting now 1,000 cyclists, from 35 different countries, running six stages in a gorgeous setting.

By the partnership with Granfondo Yunnan, Emilia Romagna Tourist Board & Terrabici Consortium will have the opportunity to introduce and promote the Granfondos which make up the "Romagna Challenge" Cycling Marathons Circuit (, enabling the Granfondo Yunnan's participants and non participants to discover a challenging art of tourism in Italy, and enabling the Italian’s participants to discover China.

Some more information about the Cycling Experience in Emilia Romagna - Cycling in Emilia Romagna is definitely a wealth of opportunities for “bike enthusiasts”! This Italian Region is worldwide renowned for history, art, traditions, food and wine treasures, as well as fascinating itineraries between the Adriatic Sea and Apennines and - not to be forgotten - the several great cycling champions of past and present. Carefully planned routes allow cycling tourists to discover nature parks and reserves of great beauty, sightseeing fortified medieval villages set on hill's tops, taste some of the best and most deliciuos Italian Food and Wines (the Region is reputed to be the Italian Food Valley). A huge range of opportunities as for distance, elevation gain and gradient. The routes are suitable for different types of cyclists: cyclists who practice cycling as a sport, leisure cyclists who like to go on excursions by bike and the mountain bike lovers.

2020 is going to be again a great "Cycling Year" in Emilia Romagna. From March till June almost every week-end a fully schedule of Granfondos running from Bologna to Cattolica at the southern border with the Marche region. In detail the Granfondo Cassani (Faenza) Granfondo del Po (Ferrara), Granfondo Dieci Colli (Bologna), Granfondo del Sale (Cervia), Granfondo degli Squali (Cattolica), Granfondo Ride Riccione (Riccione), Granfondo Pantani (Cesenatico) . Moreover next may the 50th edition of the Granfondo Nove Colli in Cesenatico will host on the same route, in the same week, one Giro d’Italia stage, plus more two stages will take place in the region (to be defined).

Lastly but not least the cooperation between APT Servizi - the Emilia-Romagna Region Tourist Board - and Terrabici - the consortium of 43 bike hotels and two incoming tour operators specialised in customized accommodation and services for bikers -, which is the ground of a successfully best practice to promote cycling tourism towards this region worldwide.

If you want more informations about the events mentioned here, please feel free to get in touch with us via the contact form to find out about the various travel packages available for those destinations.

Ciao & Stay Safe

SD Team

Friendly Lawyer Advise!!

Ciao SaddleDrunkers,

I hope you all well & enjoyed the nice summer. I was able to catch up with a long distance friend and volunteered to give us some tips about bicycle accidents. As stated his far away & if you find yourself stuck in California feel free to contact him.

Crucial Steps to Take if You are Involved in a Bicycle Accident 

Bicycle accidents can often involve a tragic death. With little protection against a speeding car, the bicyclist typically stands little chance of walking away without an injury. While a personal injury lawyer can defend you in the event of a bicycle accident, there are a few steps that you can take that can strengthen your case during a trial for personal injury. This article will discuss some of those steps. 

1. Stay At The Scene
Immediately following an accident, you should stay at the scene. Unless you require immediate medical care at the hospital, you should stay at the scene of the accident until the police arrive and document the crime. If you leave, you could be found guilty of a hit and run. This is true even if you're riding a bicycle. If your life is not in danger, then you should remain at the scene until the police arrive. 

2. Inspect Injuries

While you're waiting for the police to arrive, it's a good idea to check yourself for injuries. A bicycle accident lawyer will suggest documenting any and all injuries that you have been rendered due to the accident. You should also seek treatment until medical services arrive. If you have a first aid kit with you on your bike, then bandage what you can and try not to put too much weight on limbs that are broken or sprained. You can accept help from others who have stopped to assist you. If you are unable to administer first aid to yourself, then call for help. 

3. Call The Police

Once your injuries have been temporarily taken care of, you need to call the police. West Coast Trial Lawyers will use the evidence and statements that the police acquire during their investigation to defend you or prosecute on your behalf. The police will thoroughly examine the accident in order to discover who was at fault. Since bicyclists usually have the right of way, the law sides with them. However, this isn't always the case. There may be bike laws that you weren't aware of that could put you at fault. Having an experienced bicycle accident lawyer on hand can help you understand what your rights are and how to defend you. 

4. Exchange Information With The Other Party

Although you may not particularly want their information, you're going to need their contact information in order to get in touch with their insurance company. It can be easy to feel hostile towards the other party. Try to push those feelings to the side, so you can benefit from the moment. If the other party is hostile towards you, however, it's a good idea to have the police acquire the information for you. Don't leave the scene without that information. Otherwise, it can be difficult trying to acquire that information later. 
You may also feel that the exchange is unnecessary if you don't have bike insurance. Not many people do. Car insurance companies typically won't cover a bicycle either. Your personal injury lawyer can help you find out if any of your insurance policies will cover the bike accident. Sometimes your house insurance or even your rental insurance can cover bike accidents. 
Finally, it's important to exchange your information even if you don't feel as though you've been severely injured. Sometimes injuries take time to manifest themselves. You're also typically in a state of shock following an accident. Shock can cover up any immediate pain or sore muscles or other injuries that you may have until it wears off. For your protection, never leave the scene without acquiring information. 

5. Document The Scene

While the police will likely take pictures or record evidence of the accident, you can provide your own pictures as well. Take out your smartphone and take pictures of the accident. These pictures should include the bike, the vehicles involved in the accident, as well as the scene. You should be able to show the court an in-depth look into the area. This can help the court decide who was at fault. Sometimes the scene itself can show that the area has a blind spot for cars. They can't see oncoming bikes due to a hill. This could end up being a problem that the state has to deal with. 
West Coast Trial lawyers also suggest taking pictures of your injuries. This is actual evidence of the harm that was done to you due to the accident. It's also documented evidence that the insurance company cannot refute. 
If possible, you should also record the events after the accident. This can capture any hostile treatment that you receive from the party. If there are witnesses, then take both photos of them and video documentation of what they have to say about what they saw. This is all evidence that a bicycle accident lawyer Los Angeles can use to defend you. 

6. Receive Medical Care

If your injuries are serious, then you should be taken to the hospital immediately. If your injuries aren't as serious, then you should still receive medical care after the police have opened the scene back up to the public. This an important part of your defense. Insurance companies may be less prone to pay out if you do not receive medical care. They might argue that the damage you received from the accident wasn't serious enough to warrant a lot of financial reimbursement. 
A bicycle accident lawyer will tell you to have all medical procedures documented. Your doctor should be willing to testify on your behalf if needed. They should be able to produce medical scans and documents that indicate the depth of your injuries. 
Post-care should also be documented. For example, if your doctor prescribes physical rehabilitation or therapy, then make sure that it is noted. You should document how much the physical therapy costs and how often you have to go to the sessions in order to recover. 


Have a good day all & Stay Safe on the road.